Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring, Sprung, Sprang Break

Good evening my fellow fashionholics,

I hope the rain washed all your worries away and you stayed warm and dry with your new kick ass rain boots. This week is all about relaxation, the sun, toes in the sand, sun kissed tan, beach, beach, beach, oh yeah, and more beach. If you can't tell already, this passed week has been spring break or as everyone this year has been calling it, "sprang break." Don't ask me why. I try not to understand the minds of drunk, absurd, college kids that still have a lot of growing up to do. Any who,  this week we will go over beach styles for those going to the beach and for those sun kissed bodies after the beach.

That picture is super cool, right? It has nothing to do with fashion, I just really liked it. Let's get started. 

Spring Break Outfit #1
Ahhh, don't you just love the sound of the ocean, the sand between your toes (and everywhere else on your body), the warm sun on your skin, and the seagulls stealing your snacks? I know I do. While getting ready for the beach, you want to make sure that you are going to have a cover up that is comfortable because you don't want something tight or heavy because most likely you will have a sunburn, so keep it casual with a simple pullover dress. For those who like to protect their faces or who don't want to get raccoon eyes, then get a large, floppy hat to wear. It's super adorable and will protect your face from the fierce sun's rays. 

No makeup is needed for the beach. Give that pretty face of yours a day of relaxation too. However, this is the perfect excuse to try out those beach waves you've been dying to do to your hair. Don't know how or what to use? Well, you're in luck because I have the ingredients and a step by step tutorial.
Sea Spray for your hair
You can make this in your apartment in no time at all and it's all natural, so it's healthy for your hair. Now here is the step by step tutorial on how to get the beach waves.

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...4, 5, 6. Alright, now for the next outfit.

Spring Break Outfit #2

What a great outfit for spring break. This is light weight, and has light colors to show off that great tan that you have now. This is great for a night out on the town or even to take a walk on the beach to watch the sunset. Add some accessories and you will have everyone turning their heads staring at you wearing this great outfit. 

Also, if you are totally sunburnt and aloe is just not doing the trick, then I know a few home remedies that I can pass along to help take the sting out (it's one of the perks I have from growing up in Florida and on the beach).

Need some relief?
Being sunburnt is never fun. It's painful, hot, and it makes you peel, which is just disgusting. So, to help with all of that uncomfortableness use vinegar to take out the sting. You can use household vinegar or apple cider vinegar and soak towels in the vinegar, then lay the towels over your body and sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can also do this with tea or milk (it's whatever you prefer). You can also take an oatmeal bath by filling the tub with cool water and add 2 cups of oatmeal. Soak in the bath for about 30 minutes and you'll feel better than ever. Those are just a few tricks I've got up my sleeve to help you out. 

Well fashionholics, I hope you're spring break was as great as mine. That's all I've got for this week. Remember to always have your confidence in your back pocket and that you're beautiful, don't you ever forget it. 


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